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Pink Sugar

A real-life parenting blog, Not recommended for the weak

Pink Sugar


Hello everyone and welcome to 0outta10stars, where we are passionate in sharing our stories, to help each other make it through this thing called parenting. Because, not everyday is perfect, and neither are we.


There’s nothing I love more in the world than my kids, but let’s keep it real—parenting is not easy. From getting them to wake up in the morning, to packing lunches, to driving them around all day, to homework, to cooking and cleaning, to  bath time, all the way up until bed time, our days are filled with tasks. At the end of a long day, I'm the fastest to curl up in my bed  and fall asleep while my favorite crime shows, are playing in the background. Parenting can be overwhelming, hard or even repetitive, doing the same things day in and day out. 

But one thing’s true—there’s nothing like seeing that big smile on your children's faces to make it all worth it.

0outta10stars was created for parents who believe that not every day needs to be perfect in order to be wonderful, and that no matter how imperfect our day was, we are still perfect to our kids. I provide real stories that are easy to relate to, so you can get back to living and loving freely, and not being so hard on yourself.

Pink Sugar

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Pink Sugar


500 Terry Francois Street, 6th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94158


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