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Breaking the Chains of Trauma: Understanding PTSD During National PTSD Awareness Month

June is National PTSD Awareness Month, and a time to reflect on the challenges faced by those living with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, accident, or act of violence.

It’s a serious and lasting condition that can have a significant impact on an individual's daily life.

Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, survivors guilt, substance abuse, difficulty sleeping or concentrating and many other symptoms.

Triggers and stressors may vary and may be unpredictable. Addressing trauma can be difficult and uncomfortable.

Identifying stressors and triggers, trusting someone with your trauma and seeking professional help can be even harder.

However, all of these things are important and needed during your journey towards healing.

Always remember that experiencing PTSD is not a sign of weakness!! It is a NORMAL response to abnormal circumstances.

By shedding light on the impact of trauma and encouraging those affected to seek support, we can help break the chains of PTSD and empower our loved ones to reclaim their lives.

During this month, let's come together to show compassion, spread awareness and support for those affected by PTSD.

Always remember, that you are not alone in your battle! Thank you so much for reading!

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