Growing up, I always wanted a big family, and I always wanted to have four kids. The thought of unconditional love from my little creations was my most exciting dream! Matching PJs, family photos, and movie nights!
Like many parents, once I had my oldest, I waited a couple of years, and then I decided she needed someone to play with, so I had another kid. And then, once I had two daughters, I needed a son. And once I had a son, he needed a brother to play with. And then there were four..... And for the first few years, while their tiny brains are learning and developing, you are having the time of your life! You can dress them in whatever designs, patterns, and colors you want! You can put the girl's hair in the cutest piggy tails with the biggest bows and dress your sons in the cheesiest dinosaur clothes. They love each other unconditionally! They protect each other, and they share! They even hold each other's hands still! Until reality hits, and they grow up............ See, once they get their opinions and personalities, your hopes, dreams, and reasons for having more than one kid are out of the window. Matching shirts? You'd be lucky if they didn't strangle each other with the thought that they must match. Movie night? Sure, after the four of them battle for the remote, like WW3 is unfolding right before your eyes. They never want to eat the same thing, so you might as well forget about fast food unless you plan on driving all over town to fulfill each of their needs. Oh, and the tattle-telling?! You would think that the older they get, the more self-sufficient they are! NOPE! The instant any of my nearly grown children (hey, they are all over ten!) is slightly inconvenienced by the other; I never hear the end of it. Cause ya know, these days, telling your kids "snitches get stitches" is NOT very appropriate (oh, what a time we live in) Welp to save yourself the time and agony of having multiple children, here are a few pointers: (If, for some reason, you are a lucky mother whose children all get along, please go away; this post is not for you! Jk, please share how you were so fortunate and blessed and, most importantly, ALL of your tips and tricks) But for now, here are a few of mine: First and foremost, all of them will have completely different personalities, interests, music choices, hobbies, etc. Don't let this surprise you!! Now, they will share interests in some things, but for the most part, they will be opposites. Kid #1 is NOTHING like kid #2. and Kid #3 is nothing like kid #4 and vice versa. And by the time you have figured out how to parent one properly, you realize that parenting style WON'T work for the second child, the third, or the fourth. Plan on buying multiple cereal boxes because they will be opposites! Even if they love the SAME cereal, they will refuse to eat it at one point because their sibling eats it. You will have a kid that doesn't come around as much as the other, doesn't share as much as the other, and that is OK! Please don't be too hard on yourself, and don't be too hard on them! Remind them that they are just as loved and welcome as their other siblings (like that one that is always up your butt!) The ONE child you KNOW is going to break a bone usually is NOT the child who breaks a bone (side note, if and when this happens, I suggest earplugs because I still have PTSD from hearing my guy scream) They do NOT care who's tallest or the oldest, and they WILL fight over sitting in the passenger seat (but I mean, can we blame them? They are only riding next to the COOLEST person in the world, YOU) They will steal each other's clothing if they are the same size. Brothers will pour out ALL of their sister's lotion for no apparent reason. One of them will build a Lego set, and the other sibling will knock it over just because.
Pizza is ALWAYS a win and if it's pick! Don't let them win, we signed up to be parents, not to drive around Miss Daisy ! LOL
Yes, this is real life with multiple kids! But I am never lonely! And no matter how poopy they are to each other; they still love each other unconditionally! Please feel free to share your good or bad stories about having multiple kids! We all could use a few tips and a good laugh.