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Balancing working from home - Tips and Tricks for Parents

Working from home can be a challenge when you have kids to keep entertained. Whether it's because they are out for summer break or are bored after school, either way, it can pose as a challenge to parentings working from home.

Below are some suggestions to help keep them occupied while you focus on your work:

  • Create a designated workspace: Establish a dedicated workspace for yourself and explain to your kids that when you're in that space, it means you're working and shouldn't be disturbed unless it's an emergency. This is one of the MOST important key factors! We don't ever want our kids to feel like our job is more important than them! But they need to understand that when we are working, we are working to provide for our family! WFH is a privilege for most companies, and we want to still be as professional as possible!

  • Set a schedule: Create a schedule for your children that includes a mix of activities, including morning routine, eating, snack time, playtime, reading, learning exercises, screen time and outdoor activities. Having a routine helps kids understand what to expect throughout the day. If it helps, get a chart and write it down!! The easiest way to follow a schedule is if it is written down and you are constantly reviewing it!

  • Involve them in your work: Depending on their age, and your job type, you can involve your kids in your work by assigning them small tasks or giving them pretend work to do alongside you. This can make them feel important and engaged. Ideas can range from helping you shred documentation to giving you ideas on the photos or designs you should use for your PowerPoint.

  • Provide a variety of activities: Prepare different activities to keep your kids entertained, such as puzzles, card games, coloring books, building blocks, arts and crafts, board games, educational apps or shows, and age-appropriate online classes or tutorials. Keeping them busy with activities they love, while you work, will ensure a seamless day!

  • Encourage independent play: Encourage your children to engage in independent play, where they can explore their imagination, play with toys, or read books. This will not only enhance their creativity but also give you some uninterrupted work time. This can be a challenge when your kids are younger! Luckily, mine are a bit older, so it's more of a challenge, getting them to engage with me or their siblings. However, YOU know your child better than anyone! If you know they have a tough time with independent play, you may need to look into other options while you work from home. This may be a good opportunity to encourage play dates, as you may find other moms, who have the ability to help with your child!

  • Take breaks together: Schedule short breaks throughout the day to spend quality time with your children. Use these breaks to play a quick game, take a walk, or have a snack together. This will help keep a healthy balance between work and parenting.

Remember, it's essential to communicate with your children and explain to them the importance of your work. By providing a mix of engaging activities, setting a schedule, and involving them when appropriate, you can successfully keep your kids entertained while you work from home.

Thank you all for stopping by!! Please don't forget to like, share and subscribe! Most importantly, share some of your work from home tips for us WFH moms out there!!!


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