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Master The Art of Meal Prepping Family Dinner's

How to plan dinners ahead of time, while saving money and your sanity! #mealprep #mealplanning #easy #timesaver #momlife #blog #recipes #makeahead #moneysaver

Preparing dinner meals for families can be a daunting task, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. However, with the right planning and tools, such as pre-cooked meals and a well-organized freezer, you can make mealtime a breeze.

Tip #1 - Know what you need!

  • Freezer bags

  • Freezer safe foil pans (if making lasagna, pasta, meatloaf, etc)

  • Permanent marker or pen for labeling

  • Packages of meat

  • Seasoning and Seasoning packets

  • Fresh Vegetables

  • Any sauce you may use

  • Mixing bowls

Tip #2 - Plan Ahead!

One of the key strategies for efficient meal prep is to plan ahead. Consider dedicating a day each month to prepare and portion out meals that can be stored in the freezer. Invest in quality raw meat freezer bags to ensure food safety and prevent any cross-contamination.

Pick a day out of the month, to wake up super early, and head to the grocery store! Using a list, really helps you keep track of what you need! We all know how easy it is to get off task while grocery shopping!

You never want to overbuy and risk the chance of having too many meals made and not enough room!

Having a deep freezer can be incredibly helpful in storing these pre-cooked meals. It allows you to stock up on ingredients and prepared dishes, giving you more flexibility in your meal choices throughout the month.

If you do not have a deep freezer, don't worry! Just make sure you know how many freezer bags or meals, your freezer can hold!

Determine which dinners you want to make ahead of time and how many packages of meat you will need to complete the task.

Tip #3 - Let's get this dinner started

  • Start by labeling each freezer bag with the dinner that will be included do this before you start cooking to avoid any cross contamination

  • Proceed to cutting up any vegetables that you may need and getting them seperated into different bowls

  • I would suggest with starting with and sticking to the same meat, to avoid cross contamination, I.E. prepare all chicken first, then move onto the beef or pork

  • Using your mixing bowl, clean your meat, season then add any sauce or fresh veggies that may be going in the meal

  • Remove ALL air out of the freezer bag, seal, and freeze!

  • If you use any foil containers, make sure you seal the lid on tight and use extra foil to wrap the top

Tip #4 - Cooking and prepartion tips!

When it comes to cooking methods, consider utilizing appliances like crockpots, air fryers, or ovens. These versatile tools not only save time but also allow you to cook various proteins such as chicken, beef, pork, or ground turkey with ease. And all at the same time!

This time around, I left everything raw, as I didn't have as much time for meal prepping. A few examples of what I prepared this time around are below, again please note, these items were prepared, then frozen raw.

  • Garlic Herb chicken - Wash, season, seal in freezer bag

  • Teriyaki Chicken - Wash, season, add sauce and fresh veggies, seal in freezer bag

  • Ground beef plain - easier to defrost when flat, more room in freezer

  • Sweat and sour chicken breast - Wash, season, add sauce, freeze

  • Bourban BBQ Porkchops - Wash, season, add sauce, freeze

However, it is a lot easier to cook everything before hand, if it is possible! I will provide a few examples of things, I normally cook ahead, and then freeze!

  • Chili, make the ground beef and beans, let cool completely then freeze

  • Chicken breast can be boiled, then shredded, turn it into taco meat, nacho meat, chicken tinga meat, etc.

  • Chicken Alfredo - Make the chicken and sauce ahead of time then freeze (I make homeade sauce but you can always add a jar to your freezer bag!)

  • Ground beef for tacos and nachos

  • Spaghetti sauce, prepare your sauce as normal, let it cool completely, then freeze

Tip #5 - And that's as easy as it gets!

Remember to follow food safety guidelines when storing cooked meats in the freezer. Label each package with the date of preparation and adhere to recommended storage times for different types of meat. This ensures that your meals remain safe and delicious when it's time to enjoy them.

Make sure you put the cooking time and method on your freezer bag! That way if one of your teenagers or spouse, wants to help out, they know exactly how long to cook the meal and where to make it! IE. air fryer, crockpot, oven or the stove! I prefer to use the crockpot during the winter time, this way, I can put it on low in the morning, pop in a pre-made meal, and have a warm, home cooked meal, by the time I get home from work!

By incorporating these tips into your dinner meal prep routine, you'll not only save time but also provide your family with nutritious and convenient options throughout the week. Embrace the art of planning ahead and let your deep freezer become your secret weapon in creating stress-free family dinners!

As usual, thank you all for joining, I hope you liked today's blog! Don't forget to like, share, subscribe and most importantly, share your tips!

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